sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2007

Colalao del Valle's Pictures

1- Colalao del valle's map
2- Colalao del Valle's picture
3- Tafí del valle's Handmade cheese

The Pichao's pictures

1-The Pichao's map
2- Condorhuasi's ruins
3- View from The Pichao
4-View from Condorhuasi ruins, The Pichao5-The Pichao

Colalao del Valle (in spanish)

Bodegas Chico Zossi está en Colalao del Valle, en la Ruta Nacional 40, kilómetro 1017. Fue fundada en 1915

XXIV Fiesta Provincial del Ponchi

Organiza: Comuna Rural de Colalao del Valle
Se trata de la celebración que se realiza en honor a la bebida tradicional de la zona, que se prepara en una paila de bronce. Allí se baten huevos y se le agregan varias bebidas alcohólicas, para que sea servido caliente y espumoso.En el siglo XVI las tierras y aborígenes de este lugar vieron desplazarse al ejército español buscando horizontes para extender sus dominios, en el siglo XVII vio las últimas guerras calchaquíes y, después, el sometimiento. En ese mismo legendario e histórico lugar, hoy los descendientes de los bravos colalao festejan bajo su luna tucumana, las estrellas, y el cielo infinitamente azul, la fiesta del Ponchi. Los festejos incluyen cabalgatas a las ruinas arqueológicas del Pichao, además pascanas con comidas regionales, música folklórica norteña, bailes populares y exposición de trabajos artesanales. Los turistas podrán saborear comidas típicas, como empanadas, cabritos, tamales, locro de maíz y trigo con charqui, acompañado de un buen vino patero colaleño. Sábado 22: 22 hs a 04:00 hsBallet El AntigalBallet Raíz CalchaquíCopleras Del ValleLas Voces del PichaoAlberto SabietoLos Trinos de la NocheLos de TolombónEsperanza NorteñaLuis Centeno y su conjuntoJulio Palacios y sus cañas MágicasDuo TafinandoLos 4 cantores del Alba y su MariachiEntre otros. Domingo de 10 hs a 14 hsDesfile de Agrupaciones TradicionalesToponimiasCasamiento CriolloBaile Folklórico Callejero y Almuerzo Criollo, con la animación especial de Marcelo Campos.

Fiesta Provincial del Antigal

En Enero, la Comunidad de Colalao del Valle, recuerda a sus antepasados calchaquíes con una profunda evocación histórica en la ciudad de los Quilmes, deshabitada desde fines del siglo XVII.
Luego, en la Villa de Colalao, todo está preparado para recibir a al turista. Desde pascanas con comidas regionales hasta la interpretación permanente de música folclórica norteña por afamados musiqueros. También hay espectáculos de doma de potros, marcadas, señaladas, juegos de destreza criolla, enlazada, pialada y el paseo en misachico de los santos patronos de la zona. El vino patero transita con su aroma toda la Fiesta.
A 196 km. de S.M. de Tucumán y a una altura de 1815 mts, se encuentra Colalao del Valle. El pueblo crece a orillas del Río Santa María que le tributa sus aguas y alimenta sus tierras
Limita al norte con Tolombón (Salta) , al Sur con Santa María (Catamarca) , al Este con las cumbres calchaquies y al Oeste con las sierras de El Cajón o Quilmes.
La palabra Colalao proviene del quichua y su traducción es: astuto, talentoso, triunfador y también arrullo de palomas. En quechua collai: cacique, lao: pueblo del cacique collai.
Llamado "el corazón del Valle Calchaquí", Colalao del Valle es un pueblo donde Dios creó belleza, música y poesía. Este poblado es un gran alhajero que guarda celoso toda la sabiduría del espirítu indígena.
La historia de esta población se remonta a principio del siglo XVIII. Luego de la conquista, en este lugar se asentaron familias de origen español. Durante ese siglo, el valle estuvo bajo las órdenes de comandantes españoles, el último de ellos, fue el terrateniente Valentín Armella.
Hacia fines del siglo XIX, la pequeña villa se transformó en un lugar de veraneo gracias a su clima seco y a su atractivo paisaje.
Este lugar es sin duda un lugar privilegiado para el descanso y la meditación, posiblemente debido a la benignidad de su clima, su paisaje encantador, la lentitud del paso del tiempo, la humildad de sus viviendas y la tranquilidad contagiosa de sus calles. Está enmarcado por un sereno paisaje que lo invita a recorrerlo a pie o a caballo.
En este poblado la actividad económica es la producción de nuez, especias, productos artesanales, artesanías y vinos caseros.
En Colalao del Valle, la nuez es una fuente de ingresos
El cultivo del nogal, aunque precario aún, tiene un futuro promisorio. El clima seco y el suelo pedregoso y permeable resultan muy aptos para la actividad.
El cultivo de la nuez es una de las principales actividades económicas de El Pichao, seguido por el del membrillo. Es el segundo en importancia después de la vid en Colalao del Valle y demás pueblos aledaños de esa zona del Valle Calchaquí.
Susana Mamaní recuerda: “hasta la década del 40, la actividad económica de esta zona se basaba fundamentalmente en la siembra y cosecha del maíz y en la cría de ovejas y de cabras. En el período de zafra la mayoría de las familias se iba a Salta o al llano tucumano a pelar caña de azúcar”. Agregó que en esa década, llegó desde Salta a Colalao Miguel Angel Jandula, ingeniero agrónomo y minero, para trabajar en las minas de mica.

los dulces artesanales hoy son la fuerza económica de El Pichao. En cada casa de Colalao hay nogal y parra. Si el terreno es chico, sirve para el consumo familiar; si la extensión es mayor, se puede pensar en vender. Para muchos pichagüeños, la nuez es su mayor fuente de ingreso. Sin embargo, son emprendimientos familiares, a veces rudimentarios, lo que hace difícil la comercialización. Estos pequeños agricultores logran una producción individual de 500 a 5.000 kilos anuales, un volumen que ni siquiera permite poner en regla la situación tributaria y que les impide tener precios competitivos.
Cuando el fruto se ha secado, se le retira la cáscara superficial y se hace la selección de acuerdo con la calidad. Se venden con cáscara o peladas. La nuez colla, de excelente calidad, se vende con cáscara entre $ 3,40 y $ 4 el kilo y pelada, entre $ 11 y $ 13.

los productores tienen problemas crónicos de rentabilidad por la competencia de los mayoristas. Por estas dificultades se ve como una propuesta interesante la conformación de una sociedad que aúne los intereses de los cultivadores de nuez, para que puedan comercializar el fruto de manera organizada. Esto les permitiría presentarse como una nueva opción para el mercado regional, para el cual hoy permanecen en el anonimato.

Alimentos y Bebidas
Exquisitos sabores tucumanos para probar en su visita. Mieles, alfajores, dulces.....un manjar de propuestas para los mas variados paladares.

martes, 23 de octubre de 2007

Colalao Del Valle - XXIV Provincial Party's Ponchi

XXIV Provincial Party's Ponchi

This Provincial party is organized by: Commune Rural Colalao Valley

This is the celebration that takes place in honor of the traditional drink in the area, which is prepared in a paila bronze. There was baten eggs and add several alcoholic beverages to be served warm and sparkling.

In the sixteenth century aboriginal lands and saw this place move to Spanish army looking to expand their horizons domains, in the seventeenth century saw Calchaquíes recent wars, and then subjugation.

In the same legendary and historic place today, the descendants of the brave colalao celebrate under his tucumana moon, the stars, and the blue sky infinitely, the feast of Ponchi. The celebrations include horseback riding to the archaeological ruins of Pichao, besides pascanas with meals regional northern folk music, folk dances and exhibition of handicrafts.

Tourists will be able to taste typical foods such as pies, kids, tamales, corn and wheat locro with charqui, accompanied by a good wine patero colaleño.

Some of the activities you can enjoy are:

- Saturday 22: 22 p.m. to 04:00 :

Ballet The Antigal- Ballet Root Calchaquí -Copleras Of The Valley -The Voices of the Pichao- Alberto Sabieto -The Trills of the Night - Those of Northern Tolombón -Esperanza Northern-Luis Centeno and his group - Julio Palacios and his canes Mágicas-Duo Tafinando -4 singers of Alba and his Mariachi,
And others...

- Sunday from 10 am to 14 pm

Traditional parade Groupings
Marriage Criollo
Baile Folklorico Street Lunch and Creole, with the animation special Marcelo Campos.

- Wineries Chico Zossi is Colalao Valley, the National Highway 40, kilometer 1017. It was founded in 1915

Provincial Party of Antigal

In January, the Commonwealth of Colalao Valley, reminded his ancestors Calchaquíes with a deep historical evocation in the city of Quilmes, uninhabited since the late seventeenth century.
Then, in the town of Colalao, everything is ready to receive tourists. From pascanas with meals to the regional permanent interpretation of northern folk music by renowned musiqueros. There is also entertainment doma of foals, marked, identified, games of skill Creole, intertwined, pialada and ride in misachico of the patron saints of the area. Wine patero transits with its aroma throughout the festival.
At 196 km. HM Tucumán and at an altitude of 1815 meters, is Colalao Valley. The people grows on the banks of the Rio Santa Maria taxed to its waters and feeds their land
Bounded to the north by Tolombón (Salta), on the south by St. Mary (Catamarca), on the east by the peaks calchaquies and on the west by the mountains of El Cajon or Quilmes.
The Colalao comes from the Quechua word and its translation is: astute, talented, successful and arrullo pigeons. In Quechua collai: chieftain, Lao: people of cacique collai.
Called "the heart of the valley Calchaquí" Colalao Valley is a town where God created beauty, music and poetry. This settlement is a big alhajero that keeps jealous all the wisdom of indigenous spirit.
The history of this town goes back to the beginning of the eighteenth century. After the conquest, in this place settled families of Spanish origin. During this century, the valley was under orders from commanders Spaniards, the latter of which was the landowner Valentine Armella.
Towards the end of the nineteenth century, the small village became a summer spot thanks to its dry climate and its attractive landscape.
This place is certainly a privileged place for rest and meditation, possibly due to its mild climate, its lovely landscape, the slow passage of time, the humility of their houses and quiet streets contagious. It is framed by a serene landscape that invites him to traverse on foot or on horseback.
In this village economic activity is the production of nuts, spices, handicraft products, crafts and homemade wines.
In Colalao Valley, the nut is a source of income.
The cultivation of walnut, though still fragile, has a promising future. The dry climate and soil are very stony and porous suitable for the activity.
The cultivation of the walnut is one of the main economic activities of the Pichao, followed by the quince. It is the second largest after the vine in Colalao Valley and other surrounding towns in the area Calchaquí Valley.
Susana Mamaní remembers, "until the decade of 40, economic activity in this area was based largely on the planting and harvesting of corn and breeding sheep and goats. During the period of harvest most families are going to Salta or plain tucumano to peel sugarcane. " He added that in this decade, arrived from Salta Colalao Miguel Angel Jandula, agronomist and mining for work in the mines of mica.
Sweets craft today are the economic strength of El Pichao. In each house there Colalao walnut and fig. If the ground is boy, served for family consumption, and if the extension is greater, it is conceivable to sell. For many pichagüeños, the walnut is its largest source of income. However, they are family enterprises, sometimes crude, which makes it difficult marketing. These small farmers achieve a single production of 500 to 5,000 kg a year, a volume that not even allowed to put in order the tax situation and that prevents them from having competitive prices.


When the fruit has dried, he removes the shell surface and the selection is made according to quality. They are sold in shell or peeled. The walnut colla of excellent quality, is sold in shell between $ 3.40 and $ 4 per kilo and peeled, between $ 11 and $ 13.
In Chapter XII of the novel "Like Water for Chocolate", its author, Laura Esquivel, relates: "nuts should begin to peel with a few days in advance, because doing so represents a very laborious work ...". This piece is not part of the magic realism that is flooding the novel, but the purest reality. For the delicacy of the work is justified climb three times the price of bare nut, also known as butterfly, in connection with the fruit shell.
However, producers have chronic problems of profitability by competition from wholesalers. Given these difficulties is seen as an interesting proposal shaping a society that links the interests of walnut growers, so they can market the product in an organized manner. This would enable them to stand as a new option for the regional market, which today remain anonymous.
Food and Beverages
Exquisite flavors tucumanos to prove during his visit. Honeys, alfajores, sweet ..... a delicacy for proposals for the most varied tastes.

Colalao Valley, in voice diaguita means: talented, crafty or arrullo of paloma.Este it is the people who will see the grouping of the RN 40 crossing by the center.

In full Valley calchaquí rises this town, a quiet summer village cover añosas groves, which acquired various designs, formed beautiful galleries, which along with its typical irrigation canals, vineyards, fruit trees and traditional pircas, make Colalao Valley in a fitting place to meet and enjoy.
Due to its proximity to other towns in the province of Tucuman, Salta, Catamarca and composing this vast valley formed by the Rio Santa Maria, Colalao constitutes the heart of a beautiful and unique tourist circuit known as Calchaquíes Valleys.
In voice diaguita means: talented, crafty or arrullo of paloma.Este it is the people who will see the grouping of the RN 40 crossing by the center.
In full Valley calchaquí rises this town, a quiet summer village cover añosas groves, which acquired various designs, formed beautiful galleries, which along with its typical irrigation canals, vineyards, fruit trees and traditional pircas, make Colalao Valley in a fitting place to meet and enjoy.
Due to its proximity to other towns in the province of Tucuman, Salta, Catamarca and composing this vast valley formed by the Rio Santa Maria, Colalao constitutes the heart of a beautiful and unique tourist circuit known as Calchaquíes Valleys.

Where to sleep:

-Hostería Colalao del Valle:

July 9 s / No

-Camping El Alamo Coplero:

RN 40-km 1017


El Pichao y las ruinas de condorhuasi(in spanish)

El Pichao es una diminuta aldea de pocos habitantes, ubicada a 198 Km de San Miguel de Tucumán, formada en la última década del siglo XIX, junto a los vestigios de la cultura Condorhuasi.
Ubicada en el centro de los Valles Calchaquíes, su población se caracteriza por ser una comunidad indígena de 80 familias minifundistas, que viven de la agricultura, ganadería y artesanías.En la agricultura sobresale la fruticultura, donde se cultivan nogales, principal cultivo de El Pichao. Otros frutales que se cultivan son los membrilleros, manzanos, durazneros, higueras y tunas.
En la ganadería se crían ovejas, cabras y vacunos con los que la población se abastece de los requerimientos de carne.
En las artesanías se destaca la elaboración de dulces artesanales, que caracteriza el lugar por sus esquistos dulces de membrillo, manzana, durazno, higo, etc. También se desarrolla el tejido en telar con la confección de telas artesanales y chales.
En la zona se destaca el asentamiento arqueológico Ruinas de Condorhuasi, lugar al que recomendamos visitar junto a un guía local a fin de interiorizarse sobre la cultura indígena habitante del lugar.
El Pichao tiene un clima frío y seco. La vegetación natural se compone de cactus, algarrobos, talas, arcas, tuscas, arbustos y paja. La temperatura en invierno varía entre 4º C a la noche y 20º C durante el día, con algunas heladas. En verano, las temperaturas varían entre 15º y 30º.
Vista desde El PichaoEl nombre Pichao proviene del vocablo “pichana”, de origen quechua que significa “escoba hecha de ramas”. Por esto significaría lugar “barrido”, limpio y tranquilo.

Cómo llegar: El Pichao está a 8 km. de Colalao del Valle, al oeste de la ruta Nacional Nº 40. Desde San Miguel de Tucumán, se accede por la Ruta Nacional 38, hasta Acheral, luego se toma la Ruta Provincial 307 hasta Amaicha del Valle, después se empalma la Ruta Nacional 40, hasta Colalao del Valle, donde se toma un camino vecinal hacia el oeste.

Ruinas de Condorhuasi

Después de la caída de Quilmes en manos de los conquistadores en 1667, algunos aborígenes se refugiaron en el fondo de la Quebrada durante varias décadas, formándose este asentamiento, hoy llamada Ruinas de Cóndor Huasi
Este sitio fue ocupado por grupos indígenas de agricultores y pastores desde poco después de comienzo de la era cristiana, y se desarrolló especialmente entre los años 1000 y 1500.
La parte central del sitio presenta una amplia superficie cubierta con terrazas de cultivo, obras de irrigación y estructuras habitacionales realizadas en piedra, similares a las de Quilmes. En los faldeos del cerro se hallan construcciones defensivas, incluyendo el sistema de cultivos, el sitio abarca unas 500 hectáreas, con aproximadamente 200 ocupadas con construcciones habitacionales.
La organización social y la tecnología, incluyendo la metalurgia, estaban muy desarrolladas.
Los cementerios encontrados se ubican en la periferia del área habitacional. Los entierros de adultos se realizaban en cestas de piedra cubiertos por una piedra plana; mientras que los niños eran inhumados en urnas de alfarería.
La cerámica que se encuentra en las Ruinas de Condorhuasi corresponde al estilo Santamariano del Período Tardío (950-1470 D.C.).

LINK: http://www.turismoentucuman.com/index.asp?centro=localidad&id_localidad=11&id_circuito=2&qc=

El Pichao and Condorhuasi Ruins

The Pichao

The Pichao is a tiny village a few inhabitants, located 198 kilometers from San Miguel de Tucuman, formed in the last decade of the nineteenth century, along with the remnants of culture Condorhuasi.
Located in the center of the Calchaquí valleys, its population can be characterized as an indigenous community of 80 families smallholders, farmers, livestock and artesanías.En agriculture excels fruticulture where walnut trees are grown, the main crop of El Pichao . Other fruits that are grown are membrilleros, apple, durazneros, fig trees and prickly pears.
In livestock are raised sheep, goats and cattle with which the population is supplied from the requirements of meat.
In handicrafts highlights the development of sweet craft, which characterizes the place for their shale sweet quince, apple, peach, fig, and so on. It also develops weaving loom in the manufacture of fabrics and crafts bungalows.
In the area highlights the archaeological ruins of Condorhuasi settlement, we recommend the place to visit with a local guide to interiorizarse on indigenous culture inhabitant of the place.
The Pichao has a cold and dry climate. Natural vegetation consists of cactus, mesquite, logging, coffers, tuscas, shrubs and straw. The temperature in winter varies between 4 º C night and 20 ° C during the day, with some frost. In summer, temperatures vary between 15 ° and 30 °.
View from The PichaoEl name Pichao comes from the word "pichana" in Quechua origin meaning "broom made of branches." For this would mean instead "sweep" clean and quiet.

Getting there: The Pichao is 8 km. Of Colalao Valley, west of the National Route No. 40. From San Miguel de Tucuman, will go up by the National Route 38 until Acheral, then takes Provincial Route 307 until Amaicha Valley, then empalma National Route 40 until Colalao Valley, which took a path toward the neighborhood west.

Ruins Condorhuasi

After the fall of Quilmes in the hands of the conquerors in 1667, some aborigines took refuge at the bottom of the Gorge for several decades, forming this settlement, now called Ruins Condor Huasi
This site was occupied by indigenous groups of farmers and herdsmen from shortly after the beginning of the Christian era, and was developed especially between the years 1000 and 1500.
At its core, the site presents a wide area covered with terraced farming, irrigation works and housing structures made of stone, similar to that of Quilmes. In the foothills of the mountain are defensive constructions, including the system of crops, the site covering about 500 hectares, with about 200 occupied buildings housing.
Social organization and technology, including metallurgy, were highly developed.
Cemeteries found are located on the periphery of the housing area. The burials took place in adult baskets stone covered by a flat stone, while children were buried in pottery urns.

The name Pichao comes from the word pichana, home Quichua meaning broom made of twigs. For this would mean instead "sweep" clean and quiet.
In indigenous language means small towns or quiet place. It is a tiny village of poor people formed in the last decade of the nineteenth century, along with the remnants of culture Condor Huasi. It is located 8 kilometers from Colalao Valley westward, at 2,200 meters above sea level. Pichao comes from the word pichana, home Quichua meaning broom made of twigs. Therefore mean place sweep, clean and quiet.
This village is made up of families who are self-catering and raising their own livestock, as well as cultivating fruits, from which developed so the craft recognized sweet quince, cayote, apple, pear and fig, accompanied by their nuts añejos walnut . Since the development of these sweet born of the Provincial Party Artisan Sweets, festejada every year in the month of February with great prominence villager. A number of activities carried out during the three-day festival lasts pace of folklore and taste regional foods.
The Pichao has hosting services distributed farm upgraded for the practice of rural tourism and cultural fields, where you can visit the archaeological site of the Condor Huasi or hiking through the surrounding area.


martes, 2 de octubre de 2007

-parque nacional los alisos
-laguna del tesoro
-ruinas de lules
-loma bola
-yerba buena
-horco molle
escribir:location, acomodation,where to eat,attraction,intrestiong sites,historical backgrounds)